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At Dakota Masonry & Landscaping Supply we provide Delgado stone. Serving Westchester and Putnam counties, NY.
We can deliver building materials within a 20-mile radious in Westchester and Putnam counties, NY.
Our offerings encompass Keystone Hardscapes pavers, which come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and textures, providing both durability and stylish design options. Additionally, we supply permeable pavers that have been proven to reduce water run-off, while also offering strong aesthetic appeal and project durability.
We offer Versa-Lok retaining wall options from Keystone Hardscape, designed to meet the specific design and performance needs of projects ranging from residential to large-scale Department of Transportation projects. Additionally, we provide permeable pavers as part of our offerings.
We offer Sweet Peet mulch in our store.
Open Some Saturdays. Please Call Ahead To Confirm If Open.
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